Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) Information for Colorado Prescribers of Prescription Drugs & Connecticut Prescribing Practitioners and Pharmacists

VONJO® (pacritinib) Capsule

The following information is being provided to Colorado prescribers pursuant to Colorado law HB 19-1131, and pursuant to Connecticut law HB 6669.

The price paid by patients to acquire the product listed is often different than the WAC price listed, and most patients do not pay WAC. How much a patient will pay depends on the patient’s insurance coverage. To find out the exact cost of a prescription, patients should contact their health insurance company or preferred pharmacy.

Dosage Form
Unit Size
Wholesale Acquisition Cost*

Generic: None

  • *Pricing as of 1/1/2024, subject to change at manufacturer’s discretion. The pricing information shown above is the product’s WAC price, which represents the manufacturer’s published catalog or list price for a drug product to wholesalers as reported to third-party drug pricing publishers. The WAC price does not indicate actual transaction prices, and does not reflect any applicable discounts, rebates, or reductions in price. Pricing information listed does not imply safety or efficacy of the product.